Being a member of the ECO COMMUNiTY highlights my commitment to reducing Salty Wave's carbon footprint by following sustainable practices.

As I am conscientious about how my actions might affect land, sea and water areas in Australia and other places vicariously worldwide, Salty Wave® joined the Eco Community in January 2018 in support of sustainable actions for the health of the planet.
I have pledged to meet these Sustainable Development Goals: Quality Education, Responsible Consumption and Production, Life Below Water, and Life on Land. This is how I meet my obligations to support the conservation of the environment:
Buy certified goods and services, donate to environmentally focused organizations, eliminate unnecessary paper use, practice recycling, recycle electronic waste, reduce waste, support sustainable agriculture, and support sustainable fisheries.

Another part of my Business Plan for Salty Wave includes sharing information with the global community that informs and increases awareness about what is happening on the planet through my social media channels.
The way I work progressively reduces the impact of my business activities through recycling batteries, electrical equipment, computers, and mobile devices. I purchase, where possible, equipment that is sourced from recycled materials, and I ensure I switch off the power at the mains when I am not working in my office. In the field, I take a bag with me to collect any garbage I might find, for example, plastic bags, bottles, tops, etc. I ensure that I use paper sparingly and mainly create digital documents stored in cloud servers.
If I travel to a location, I strive to use petrol that is 10% ethanol or hire EV cars, and travel to and from the destinations using the best route possible, to minimize travel costs. I investigate ways that I can reduce the need to travel by taking advantage of my skills in animation and illustration or creating visuals in my creative space through photography.

When I am on location either in an exterior or interior location, I always account for all my equipment before the start and end of the filming session to avoid the cost of replacing technical equipment or the impact it might have to the environment, for example, accidentally dropping a camera battery in a natural environment. I make regular safety checks of my equipment to reduce and avoid causing, wherever I can, inadvertent health risks and hazards that might happen while on site or anywhere I am working.